Worship Ministry
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of St. Cletus Parish is so blessed to offer so many opportunities to those who enjoy using their God-given musical talents.
Contact: Ryan Rump
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at the celebration of the Mass. This ministry is available to boys and girls from 5th grade through high school from both St. Cletus School and the St. Cletus Religious Education program.
Contact: Norma Hernandez
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Do not let the title of this ministry daunt you. “Extra-ordinary” refers to those who are not ordained (priests/deacons) – the laity. This ministry is available to all Confirmed parishioners, age 16 years and older. Ministers follow a schedule that closely fits their availability of time and commitment. Since there are multiple Masses and Communion stations at each Mass, there is always a need for ministers.
Contact: Fr. Mike Novick
Lectors proclaim the Word of God. Proper formation and training for this ministry is provided to interested candidates who are invited into a deeper experience of God through Scripture.
Contact: Fr. Mike Novick
Gushers (Greeters/Ushers)
This ministry is often the first encountered by parishioners when they enter the worship environment. They offer a warm welcome to those entering church for our Saturday and Sunday Liturgies. “Gushers” are ministers of hospitality who greet, answer questions, seat, recruit gift bearers, take up collections and assist with the Communion procession.
Contact: Colleen Hagen
Wedding Ministry
The Wedding Ministry organizes the rehearsal night and assists the couple with last minute decisions. They set up the church on the wedding day and try to keep everyone calm so the wedding flows smoothly.
Contact: Giselle Rico
St. Cletus St. Fiacre Society
The St. Cletus Fiacre Society is named after the 7th Century Irish Monk, the patron Saint of Gardeners. This volunteer ministry helps beautify our campus through the maintenance of flower beds, planting spring and fall annuals around campus buildings, concentrating on the entrances to our church, rectory and Parish Center. Green thumbs welcomed (although this is not a requirement).
Contact: Mary Delaney and Tom Reisel